What It Does
A program that finds the longest word in the English language that can be represented by a seven-segment display. Watch Tom Scott’s video for more information – this program was made as a response. It turns out there is only one longest word that meets the criteria…
# words.txt from GitHub file linked at the end of Tom's video words = open("words.txt","r") english_words = words.readlines() words.close() longest = [""] allowed = [] not_allowed = ["g","k","m","q","v","w","x","z"] for i in range(0,len(english_words)): test = english_words[i] english_words[i] = test if any (c in not_allowed for c in test): continue else: allowed.append(test) if len(test) > len(longest[0]): longest = [] longest.append(test) elif len(test) == len(longest[0]): longest.append(test) else: continue print(longest)