New and Improved Here’s a drastically modified version of the program that I wrote yesterday, using dictionaries instead of arrays. # Alistair Bhatti # 31/01/2017 data = {“Christ’s College”:”1505″, “Churchill College”:”1960″, “Clare College”:”1326″, “Clare Hall”:”1965″, “Corpus Christi College”:”1352″, “Darwin College”:”1964″, “Downing College”:”1800″, “Emmanuel College”:”1584″, “Fitzwilliam College”:”1869″, “Girton College”:”1869″, “Gonville & Caius College”:”1348″, “Homerton College”:”1768″, “Hugh’s …
Month: January 2018
Cambridge Colleges & Founding Years | <em>Bad Code</em> [1]
What It Does This is a program that allows the user to input the name of one of the colleges of Cambridge, such as Clare College for instance, and the year that College was founded, ie 1326, is output. # Alistair Bhatti # 30/01/2017 names = [“Christ’s College”,”Churchill College”,”Clare College”,”Clare Hall”, “Corpus Christi College”,”Darwin College”,”Downing …